
Truths in a Tapestry

I am consistently amazed at how life weaves us along. As if the world was one large loom; and at the end of all time the only trace of our presence is a tapestry cloaked over the world. I became an aunt for the second time in the wee hours of the morning. I am deeply thankful for the invitation of life this little girl brings. It is the first birth in my life since the rapid succession of losses. It comes at a time when I am forced to remember a good friend who took her life, for her birthday is less than two weeks. Quickly followed by the one year anniversary of her death.

Writing with trepidation; I explore again the weaves of this great tapestry. Standing in new lights from many directions I am forced to pirouette in only one direction so as to avoid dancing in my own shadow. I seek honesty. I seek to create something beautiful and untainted by past dents, present hurt, and future brokenness. I say goodbye. I am not sad, not even a little bit. It is this knowledge of shimmering life accepted and cherished by those who choose to be in my life that propels me to celebrate this moment just as much as the next.

I should be revising poems as if they were puzzle pieces but I want to say one more thing. I just haven't found the words yet. And maybe that is all part of this life; if I cannot find the words couldn't that mean that there isn't anything left to be said? This life offers us a constant reinforcement of our situation. If it is going well, trust me don't question it. It is a beautiful journey; quite possibly as beautiful as this tapestry we will never see.

Cheers - to my new niece Emerson Kate.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

birth, death, some sex in between, which leads to more birth, more death.... how else can we define the meaning of life? there's nothing to do but stay with it; you're doing deep work; you're pared down to the essential elements - the warp of your tapestry.

11:05 AM  
Blogger amandakate said...

Grace, your words always stop in my tracks. You are so good. It is an honor to know that you follow bits and pieces of my life. Thank you!


11:08 AM  

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