
Rattlesnake Omens

I stopped traffic this morning. Not in the, "hey look at me" way... But in the "wow, there is a rattlesnake crossing the street in front of me." He was about 3 feet long and I had no intention of running this guy over. Sure he strikes, and is poisonous, but can't people be just as venemous? It seemed as if the people who had to wait behind me had a little bit of this streak in them and had they been given the chance to strike at me they proabably would have. I didn't think their inconvenience was worth the life of a wild animal.

I was driving into the Mayo Clinic when this little creature presented himself to me. I was intrigued, I called my mom. She has this book, Animal Speak, it tells of the omens that certain animals hold. Though I expected a sort of lashing omen; I received an eye opener. Snakes represent the sense of smell. This alone was enough to make me stop, literally stop in my tracks, and listen to the rest of the words my mom spoke. She continued that rattle snakes in particular represent healing, and more specifically rapid healing. I believe my mom and I got simultaneous chills. There were words of blossoming creativity, and matters that health issues would be easily resolved. I was wondering if I heard her right. I was remembering that if it hadn't been for me that rattlesnake would not have gotten to the other side of the road alive.

I am reminded that sometimes it is important to slow down. We hear this enough in regards to life, but do we pay heed. I think not nearly enough. I was able to have a little bit of hope restored this morning. It is amazing what life presents if we take a moment and remember that this is a life after all. And a life should be lived, moment by moment.


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