
Sick vs. Healthy

I recently read a question in one of those silly "would you rather..." books.

Would you rather look healthy and be sick or look sick and be healthy?

Now this question was obvious to me. Of course I would rather be healthy. I found it curious though that I have received answers favoring both sides. I understand the desire to fit a certain aesthetic. I get it, but at the expense of your life? Maybe some of them took the question as the flu, would you rather have the flu but look healthy or look like you have the flu and be healthy? Even then I have a hard time excusing the desire to look better than to feel better. The other option that I have thought about comes from the possibility that some of these people have never been really sick.

I have been in and out of the hospital since I was a kid. If it wasn't my abnormally high cholesterol, than it was my earth rattling wheezes. If it wasn't a horrible ear infection then it was a horribly high fever that wouldn't break. I know hospitals, I know ER's. Well the newest problem (by new I mean the past 10 years) happens to involve my sinuses, all of them. Apparently they are full, 100% full. I have had some pretty tough sinus headaches in my life but I cannot tell you the amount of pressure that my head now exudes. Not only do I feel like my head will explode but that I will surely detonate everything around me, as well. I should have a WARNING:EXPLOSIVE sticker adhered to me at all times.

I had a rough surgery this past November, it was my 4th surgery. There were a lot of complications and I am obviously still feeling the effects. I still have a stent in my left sinus. I also now have a hole in my left orbital wall (the bone under your eye) that wasn't there before. I have the scar from where the iv pumped 2 liters of fluid in me when I lost more than that in blood. Needless to say I have gone looking for another doctor. I thought I had found one, until today. I waited 2 hours for an appointment that all I needed was for him to hand me a piece of paper to hand to the receptionist to schedule my now 5th surgery. Umm, okay, I could be over reacting, I am generally a patient person. However, he continued to go over the CAT scans with me that he had already talked about the last appointment. He hadn't gone over the notes from the last surgery, as a matter of fact he hadn't even requested them from my previous doctor. For the first time I am scared of being in the hands of a doctor. I had thought there would be no better place to be. Yet, this is my brain and my eyes that we are talking about.

I feel alone in this experience. I am not one to complain though I recently had it pointed out to me that I am not as good at hiding my frustration and pain as I once was. So here I sit asking you the next time you play that damn Would you rather game... Think about the exception`to the rule. You just may never know where you end up.

To your health!


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