
Sentences of no relation

I have a bloody nose. I ate a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch. My inhaler tastes like the fresh smell of cement. I can't focus. I have a papertowel hanging out of my nose. I like the sound of Shawn Colvins voice. The hippopotamus no longer squeeks. I have an Easter basket that i cant look at. I dreamt that I went crazy last night. I get a new car this week. I was a lot more excited last week. I am much more challenged this week. My little brother gave me a tattoo. I wore a tee shirt yesterday that used to belong to my grandfather. I miss my grandfather. Lindsay Lohan really does have a sexy voice. Apparently you cannot focus either if you are keepig up with my randomness. My eyes are tired, my body is lonely, my head wants to cry. I am writing right now, and i have been writing in my journal multiple times a day, I am in training. I am abandoning my search for perfection. I am allowing myself to work at an average level. Nothing special. I am doing this so I can just get back to writing. I am teaching myself how I write. I am learning to be specific. I am learning;always learning.

I asked questions today and stood up for myself not in defense but in offense. I will win my life.

Yes, the tissue is still hanging out of my nose.


Blogger amandakate said...

i love you amanda. i love more than you can ever know.

3:54 PM  

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